Archive for May 7th, 2019

New Steering Wheel Pads from Shaller

We build more than GoKarts at our manufacturing facility in Schulenburg, Texas. We keep coming up with ideas, trying to make a great GoKart even better. We’re happy to introduce a new steering wheel pad that fits most GoKarts, Shaller or other brands. This is a helpful tool that can be used on all concession […]

New Molded Bucket Replacement Seats

Shaller GoKarts are so durable, the Karts tend to outlast our upholstered seats. Upholstery just doesn’t last forever outside in the elements, but Shaller GoKarts last for years. So, we’ve built a new replacement molded bucket seat specifically designed to replace old upholstered seats. The vacuum-formed, polyurethane, molded seats are more durable than upholstery, so […]